Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
back in rexburg
We had a good time in Grand Junction, way too much snow but it was nice. we got back about 1 this morning to find that about 3 feet of snow had fallen while we were gone. It's suppose to snow non stop for the next few days. this is gunna be a fun move on monday... anyway I don't have a ton of time. I didn't have my camera christmas morning so I will have to get pics from my father in law who took plenty. here are some pics of rexburg today. including a picture of my friend jacko's car... you have to look closely to see its a car.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
I gave in to peer pressure
I started twilight this morning... I read about 25 pages this morning before I had to be a responsible parent and then i picked it up again "tonight" (technically last night) and I'm on page 347... now i have to go to bed so i can wake up and be a responsible parent again tomorrow... then finish the book so i can go watch the movie with my sister in law tomorrow :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Seth didn't actually walk but he graduated! We are finally done at BYU-I... well... as long as they don't lose his paperwork again. I'm proud of him and excited for our future away from Idaho and with an actual income. Wish us luck... we need to be packed by tuesday and we've barely started.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
some cute pictures
I still haven't gotten everything working on this computer and since we have windows vista it is rediculous to figure out because you have to give the computer permission to do everything you tell it to do... so here are some explainations on the pics. we went on a horse drawn carriage ride for jackos birthday. Lily thinks everything should be eaten off a fork. She loves to climb into everything. she got into powdered-sugar donuts while i was in the other room and of course she loves to feed her snuggle bear. oh and she is obsessed with sitting like that on seth any time he kneels... she is a goof.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
catch up
This is just going to be a quick review of the last few weeks. Sorry I haven't posted but we have been busy getting ready for the big move.
THE MORRIS FAMILY IS GOING ORGANIC (when it comes to dairy at least). We discovered that Lily isn't allergic to milk itself but something in non-organic milk. This is something we assumed before, but recently we truely tested it and found that she has no reaction with organic dairy products. This contradicts everything we have read about milk allergies. (which makes me wonder how many kids are actually allergic to milk) Luckily in phoenix it is quite easy to find organic dairy products for a reasonable price.
We found a house to rent in Gilbert. It is a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house, in a good area and the backyard is seths dream! It has a grapefruit, 2 orange, lemon and tangerine and apple trees. It also has 4 raised garden beds, set up with irrigation and all. It has a underground fire pit in the back too. (which is awesome for seth who really wants to cook underground. It has a tool shop and tons of storage including a pantry almost the size of moms storage room. Anyway the house wasn't my favorite of the houses we looked at but the property makes up for it. We are really excited and we will be moving in around the 28th of the month, just in time for seth to start work the next week. If we like the house we will probably save up for a down payment and buy it from the owners
We went to Blythe for thanksgiving. It was nice, but weird without more people there. I missed all of my siblings. Lily loved having the attention of her granny and grandpa, who spoiled her by pushing her in the swing for hours a day. She would simply grab one of their hands and take them to the back door.
Lilys current favorite hobbies include talking and talking and talking on the phone. She steals my phone and walks around the house just jabbering on and on. She also likes to turn anything into a baby doll. In the bath she takes two shampoo bottles (one for each arm). She rocks them, kisses them and pats them on the back. She is obsessed with babies. Shes a ton of fun. Anyway its late and mmy bread is done baking so i am going to bed.
THE MORRIS FAMILY IS GOING ORGANIC (when it comes to dairy at least). We discovered that Lily isn't allergic to milk itself but something in non-organic milk. This is something we assumed before, but recently we truely tested it and found that she has no reaction with organic dairy products. This contradicts everything we have read about milk allergies. (which makes me wonder how many kids are actually allergic to milk) Luckily in phoenix it is quite easy to find organic dairy products for a reasonable price.
We found a house to rent in Gilbert. It is a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house, in a good area and the backyard is seths dream! It has a grapefruit, 2 orange, lemon and tangerine and apple trees. It also has 4 raised garden beds, set up with irrigation and all. It has a underground fire pit in the back too. (which is awesome for seth who really wants to cook underground. It has a tool shop and tons of storage including a pantry almost the size of moms storage room. Anyway the house wasn't my favorite of the houses we looked at but the property makes up for it. We are really excited and we will be moving in around the 28th of the month, just in time for seth to start work the next week. If we like the house we will probably save up for a down payment and buy it from the owners
We went to Blythe for thanksgiving. It was nice, but weird without more people there. I missed all of my siblings. Lily loved having the attention of her granny and grandpa, who spoiled her by pushing her in the swing for hours a day. She would simply grab one of their hands and take them to the back door.
Lilys current favorite hobbies include talking and talking and talking on the phone. She steals my phone and walks around the house just jabbering on and on. She also likes to turn anything into a baby doll. In the bath she takes two shampoo bottles (one for each arm). She rocks them, kisses them and pats them on the back. She is obsessed with babies. Shes a ton of fun. Anyway its late and mmy bread is done baking so i am going to bed.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
bizzare foods
have you ever seen this show? Andrew Zimmern goes around the world and tries wierd foods. We are watching an episode about Ethiopia. Anyway try to catch it if you haven't see it. Seth loves this show... I think andrew is his long lost (non-identical) twin.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Our Mcdonalds experience
It has been very cold and rainy here, so Lily hasn't spent much time outside. This was driving her nuts so the other day we took her to McDonalds to play in the playplace (one of her favorite activites even though this was only the 3rd time we have gone) So, we got there and there was only one family there and they weren't sitting in the play area so we figured we had the playplace to ourselves. Boy were we wrong. There were 4 very loud and rude young kids in there, without any parents in the area (they were the ones sitting in the corner of the actual restaurant, completely our of view of the playplace in order to ignore their children) This of course annoyed me, but Lily and I continued to play anyway.
Thats when something unimaginable in my mind happened. One little girl had an accident in the slide. She was crying and just standing there looking for help.One of the older kids ran and told the parents (the grandparents were there too) and not a single adult moved! By this time another family had come and some of the kid accidentally ran into the pee, and yet still no adult budged. eventually the oldest girl (probably about 8) was instructed to get the little girl, put on her shoes and bring her to the parents. Once she got there her parents completely ignored her for another 10 minutes while they sipped at their mostly empty drinks and chatted. We of course thought this was very rude. They did not even tell anyone and continued to let other children play in the pee (I warned other families as they entered, so that no other children get wet)
As we let seth confronted them. He basically just said shame on you for not helping your child and left.
Am I overreacting or is this just terrible. It completely ruined Lily's fun of course because she couldn't go back into the play place and that was the only reason we ever eat there. Anyway I hope that I never ignore my children like that.
Thats when something unimaginable in my mind happened. One little girl had an accident in the slide. She was crying and just standing there looking for help.One of the older kids ran and told the parents (the grandparents were there too) and not a single adult moved! By this time another family had come and some of the kid accidentally ran into the pee, and yet still no adult budged. eventually the oldest girl (probably about 8) was instructed to get the little girl, put on her shoes and bring her to the parents. Once she got there her parents completely ignored her for another 10 minutes while they sipped at their mostly empty drinks and chatted. We of course thought this was very rude. They did not even tell anyone and continued to let other children play in the pee (I warned other families as they entered, so that no other children get wet)
As we let seth confronted them. He basically just said shame on you for not helping your child and left.
Am I overreacting or is this just terrible. It completely ruined Lily's fun of course because she couldn't go back into the play place and that was the only reason we ever eat there. Anyway I hope that I never ignore my children like that.
Lily and Animals
So Lily has always had a loving relationship with animals. Anything that is furry and moves is her best friend (even if it is running from her. Her Favorite store is Petsmart and her favorite place to go on walks is our duck ponds. She even says cat, dog and duck. (she meows barks and quacks too)
There is a kitten that sticks arounds our complex that she loves soo much. Every time we go outside she looks for it (and tries to meow to call it) It really is the sweetest little kitten. It comes up to every person and rubs on you and purrs. It even loves Lily (of course i still have to keep caution, but it is very sweet with all of the kids in the complex)
All of the above of course told me how much of an animal lover she is, but i still didn't know the extent until yesterday when she sat in front of the tv for an hour watching a special on WHALES! she sat a cooed and pointed and talked to them. She was so excited to see all the animals of the sea. I didn't even know she would recgonize them as animals, but she did and she loves them.
Unrelated but still funny;she has never really spent time on a beach since she was about 3 months old, but every time she sees a beach on tv or in a picture she just loves it. You can really see personality traits of both seth and I in her. She is very passionate even at 15 months!
There is a kitten that sticks arounds our complex that she loves soo much. Every time we go outside she looks for it (and tries to meow to call it) It really is the sweetest little kitten. It comes up to every person and rubs on you and purrs. It even loves Lily (of course i still have to keep caution, but it is very sweet with all of the kids in the complex)
All of the above of course told me how much of an animal lover she is, but i still didn't know the extent until yesterday when she sat in front of the tv for an hour watching a special on WHALES! she sat a cooed and pointed and talked to them. She was so excited to see all the animals of the sea. I didn't even know she would recgonize them as animals, but she did and she loves them.
Unrelated but still funny;she has never really spent time on a beach since she was about 3 months old, but every time she sees a beach on tv or in a picture she just loves it. You can really see personality traits of both seth and I in her. She is very passionate even at 15 months!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I'm back
so i was out for awhile... our computer died but now we got a new one. It was very hard for me to be away so please forgive me for not posting on your blogs this week.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
OUr halloween went well. We crashed our friends trunk-r-treat and then we went down a street that is part of our ward. Lily was afraid of the people in costume so we had to carry her most of the time, but she seemed to have alot of fun. today she keeps searching for her loot, but considering most of it is chocolate she cant have most of it. The costume was made by my sweet mother. It turned out PERFECT! Thank you so much mom. The weather was great, it stopped raining for a few hours and it was a little chilly but just right for lily's costume.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
halloween preview
We actually carved pumpkins this year! Seth's in the biggest because he is daddy, then mine then lilys (with seth helped lily carve) Lily is obsessed with jack-o-lanterns. She cooes at them and thinks they are very cute. (she is such a girl!) anyway the last picture is of my face this morning... and no that isn't food on my face that is how bad they hurt me. we went up to mesa falls (which is huge) and to cave falls which is smaller but has a cave beside/under it... it was fun but after time at walmart and that excursion it was a bit too much for me. i got really sore and sick to my stomach. I'll have to make sure to take it easy tomorrow. anyway here are pictures.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
wisdom teeth part 2
so, not a good experience. i thought they were putting me all the way under, but they didn't and yet they didn't give me anything but local shots for pain. i felt soo much pain during my surgery. the dentist said that one of my teeth was the hardest tooth he has ever had to remove (and yet no pain meds??) they also ripped my lip and cheek because i have a small mouth. it was supposed to take an hr and a half and took 3 hrs. then they still wouldn't send me home with anything but motrin! but luckily i went to my regular doctor yesterday, who is a great doctor, and he gave me enough vicodin to last a few days to help me heal. somehow i don't think this dentist understands that in order to heal you need to have some relief from pain. Without my vicodin i wouldn't have been able to sleep after my surgery. anyway overall not a good experience. the assistants were also very rude to me and very snippy. i reccommend not going to an oral surgen for this but rather a regular surgen, they deal with pain much better and just seem to have a better understanding of medicine. seths experience with a reg doc was so much better he went to work the next day. anyway sorry this isn't typed well. i am still on some wacky meds so i'm not really with it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
i tried to upload pics and this is what i got
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The last month
We have been quite busy since we moved back to Idaho. We got home at about 8 pm the day before seths classes started and it was 50 degrees outside. Since then it has gotten much colder, including snow for the last 3 days and a high today of 37. I keep telling myself that we will be gone before the worst part of winter and that keeps my spirits lifted.
There is something we will miss when we move. My old roommate jacko got married in july and then moved in right by us. We hang out with them everyday and they babysit Lily really often. We went camping together a couple of weeks ago (pictures to come) and next week we are going to provo together.
We took one trip down to Salt Lake to attend Seth's cousin wedding. It was nice to see family but hard because the reception was very formal... not Lily's style. We got to visit with our friends Zo Quanda and their baby that is lily's age in the area. They moved there from Rexburg this summer. That was the best part of the trip because they are alot of fun.
Lily is growing so much. She is so much fun to play with, especially to tease. She is such a girlie girl. She loves anything that is cuddly, teddy bears, dolls or even just a tshirt if she can't find anything else soft. She loves shoes and clothes and necklaces. One of her favorite things to do right now is to gather things from around the house and throw them in the bath tub. I wonder if she is thinking " ooo that would be so fun to play with next time I take a bath!" Her hair is finally long enough for me to do something with it and I must say she looks so adorable in her pigtails (even though putting them in usually results in tears because she hates sitting still) She loves to hide in clothing racks... which has resulted in a couple of scares at walmart... oh no where is Lily... Then she giggles and stops in pure pleasure with herself. She learned something at the reunion. We call it the gabe scream (no offense). It sounds just like Gabes scream. We can't help but laugh because she rarely does it and it is so pathetic, but I know it will slowly start to drive to insane.
I went to the dentist for the first time since we got married. I only had one cavity but he told me I need to get my wisdom teeth removed. We are waiting on an approval from medicaid, but it looks like I will get them out before we move. My doctor also wants to me to get my tonsils removed but that isn't going to happen because of how long it takes to recover as an adult.
Seth is only taking 9 credits and taking side jobs doing tree trimming and such with a friend of his. Its nice because we get him home alot. Lily and Seth are very close now and love to taunt and tease eachother. Earlier tonight Lily was laying between seth and I and she stuck her foot in seths hand, So he kinda massaged it. As soon as he would stop she would be frantic trying to get him to massage again. It was so funny because she loves to get massages and back stratches. Shes a goofy kid.
We are simply loving life. We are keeping busy trying to keep our home clean and getting rid of junk before the move. Life is busy but wonderful. I would post pictures but our camera is out in the car and it is cold and snowy out there, so another time.
There is something we will miss when we move. My old roommate jacko got married in july and then moved in right by us. We hang out with them everyday and they babysit Lily really often. We went camping together a couple of weeks ago (pictures to come) and next week we are going to provo together.
We took one trip down to Salt Lake to attend Seth's cousin wedding. It was nice to see family but hard because the reception was very formal... not Lily's style. We got to visit with our friends Zo Quanda and their baby that is lily's age in the area. They moved there from Rexburg this summer. That was the best part of the trip because they are alot of fun.
Lily is growing so much. She is so much fun to play with, especially to tease. She is such a girlie girl. She loves anything that is cuddly, teddy bears, dolls or even just a tshirt if she can't find anything else soft. She loves shoes and clothes and necklaces. One of her favorite things to do right now is to gather things from around the house and throw them in the bath tub. I wonder if she is thinking " ooo that would be so fun to play with next time I take a bath!" Her hair is finally long enough for me to do something with it and I must say she looks so adorable in her pigtails (even though putting them in usually results in tears because she hates sitting still) She loves to hide in clothing racks... which has resulted in a couple of scares at walmart... oh no where is Lily... Then she giggles and stops in pure pleasure with herself. She learned something at the reunion. We call it the gabe scream (no offense). It sounds just like Gabes scream. We can't help but laugh because she rarely does it and it is so pathetic, but I know it will slowly start to drive to insane.
I went to the dentist for the first time since we got married. I only had one cavity but he told me I need to get my wisdom teeth removed. We are waiting on an approval from medicaid, but it looks like I will get them out before we move. My doctor also wants to me to get my tonsils removed but that isn't going to happen because of how long it takes to recover as an adult.
Seth is only taking 9 credits and taking side jobs doing tree trimming and such with a friend of his. Its nice because we get him home alot. Lily and Seth are very close now and love to taunt and tease eachother. Earlier tonight Lily was laying between seth and I and she stuck her foot in seths hand, So he kinda massaged it. As soon as he would stop she would be frantic trying to get him to massage again. It was so funny because she loves to get massages and back stratches. Shes a goofy kid.
We are simply loving life. We are keeping busy trying to keep our home clean and getting rid of junk before the move. Life is busy but wonderful. I would post pictures but our camera is out in the car and it is cold and snowy out there, so another time.
since i've been terrible about blogging
1. Where is your cell? bad
2. Significant other? tickler
3. Your hair? tangled
4. Your mother? dedicated
5. Your father? loving
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? awake
8. Your favorite drink? hot
9. Your dream/goal? resort
10. The room you're in? kitchen
11. Your fear? failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? tropical
13. Where were you last night? snow
14. What you're not? rational
15. Muffins? diet
16. One of your wish list items? move
17. Where you grew up? small
18. The last thing you did? egg-roll
19. What are you wearing? ha
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pet? fish
22. Your computer? broken
23. Your life? fun
24. Your mood? relaxed
25. Missing someone? mom
26. Your car? great
27. Something you're not wearing? pants :)
28. Favorite Store? winco
29. Your summer? hectic
30. Your favorite color? blue
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? tuesday
33. Who will/would re-post this? lyric
34. The place I go over and over? provo
35. The person who visits me (Regularly)? jacko
36. A favorite fruit? mango
37. A place I would rather be right now? warm
2. Significant other? tickler
3. Your hair? tangled
4. Your mother? dedicated
5. Your father? loving
6. Your favorite thing? family
7. Your dream last night? awake
8. Your favorite drink? hot
9. Your dream/goal? resort
10. The room you're in? kitchen
11. Your fear? failure
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? tropical
13. Where were you last night? snow
14. What you're not? rational
15. Muffins? diet
16. One of your wish list items? move
17. Where you grew up? small
18. The last thing you did? egg-roll
19. What are you wearing? ha
20. Your TV? on
21. Your pet? fish
22. Your computer? broken
23. Your life? fun
24. Your mood? relaxed
25. Missing someone? mom
26. Your car? great
27. Something you're not wearing? pants :)
28. Favorite Store? winco
29. Your summer? hectic
30. Your favorite color? blue
31. When is the last time you laughed? today
32. Last time you cried? tuesday
33. Who will/would re-post this? lyric
34. The place I go over and over? provo
35. The person who visits me (Regularly)? jacko
36. A favorite fruit? mango
37. A place I would rather be right now? warm
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Our news
Let me start by saying that no I am not pregnant.
We are officially moving back to Arizona in December. Seth got a really good job offer at his current company and tomorrow he will sign the contract. His new title will be outside sales representative. This basically means that he will be incharge of all the sales in the company. It isn't a very large company but he will get good commisions and wonderful job experience.
We really like this area. It feels like a small town but you can find whatever you want to buy within half an hour. Our favorite thing is the availability of organic fresh food. We have found Lily responds well to organic milk despite her milk allergy. In Idaho it is nearly imposible work with organic dairy because it is so much more expensive, but here it is barely more expensive and comes on sale frequently. (now to get her to like it).
The desert here is so much more beautiful than the desert around Blythe. There are huge saguaro cacti everywhere as well as several different kinds of barrel cacti and other pretty plants that only Seth can actually identify.
We have actually taken up a hobby in the desert. We go scorpion hunting at least one night a week. We go into the desert at night with black light flashlights and search for scorpions. When we see one there is no mistaking it, they glow bright green from about 40 feet away. We then grab it with tongs and stick it in a tube. When we are done we let them all go at once and watch them scatter under the black light. We not only enjoy the hunt, but the nights here are beautiful and it just feels peaceful. If you don't believe me ask my mom, she went with us on monday.
I need to go to bed now. Pat i hope you enjoyed my more refined post. :) (and anyone else bugged by my rushed, Instant message style posts) I just wanted to share our good news. It will be awhile before i post again since we are moving back to Rexburg this weekend, I assume I will be very busy for awhile.
We are officially moving back to Arizona in December. Seth got a really good job offer at his current company and tomorrow he will sign the contract. His new title will be outside sales representative. This basically means that he will be incharge of all the sales in the company. It isn't a very large company but he will get good commisions and wonderful job experience.
We really like this area. It feels like a small town but you can find whatever you want to buy within half an hour. Our favorite thing is the availability of organic fresh food. We have found Lily responds well to organic milk despite her milk allergy. In Idaho it is nearly imposible work with organic dairy because it is so much more expensive, but here it is barely more expensive and comes on sale frequently. (now to get her to like it).
The desert here is so much more beautiful than the desert around Blythe. There are huge saguaro cacti everywhere as well as several different kinds of barrel cacti and other pretty plants that only Seth can actually identify.
We have actually taken up a hobby in the desert. We go scorpion hunting at least one night a week. We go into the desert at night with black light flashlights and search for scorpions. When we see one there is no mistaking it, they glow bright green from about 40 feet away. We then grab it with tongs and stick it in a tube. When we are done we let them all go at once and watch them scatter under the black light. We not only enjoy the hunt, but the nights here are beautiful and it just feels peaceful. If you don't believe me ask my mom, she went with us on monday.
I need to go to bed now. Pat i hope you enjoyed my more refined post. :) (and anyone else bugged by my rushed, Instant message style posts) I just wanted to share our good news. It will be awhile before i post again since we are moving back to Rexburg this weekend, I assume I will be very busy for awhile.
Friday, August 29, 2008
lilys scrapbook so i'm trying to link lily's scrapbook to this page... ashley pittman gubler and i made this on heritage makers.. i figure this will make up for me not blogging often :)i'm not sure if the link will work or not but you can copy and paste it.. i know it works that way.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
so i'm almost finished with lily's scrap book ( more on that later) and i really really need the whole family picture from the reunion in full size. i got the small one off ash's blog and its too small. i need it ASAP because the book has to be Finished tomorrow morning. please send it to my hotmail email account if you have it as a big file
Monday, August 11, 2008
to colin!
the other day i was reading your mom's blog and there was a big picture of Colin holding up his free kids meal coupon. lily was sitting in my lap and she saw colin and got VERY excited. She crawled up on the desk and started cooing at the screen and giving it hugs and kisses. She loves you cousin colin!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
quick update
so we are in mesa... we are enjoying ourselves, especially seth with his job. he likes the people he works with and the size of the company and they have already hinted at hiring him at a higher position than he expected when (as they put it) he comes back in dec. we really like the area, lots to do and housing is really really cheap (we found a new 4 bed 3 bath house for 150... not even a foreclosure) that would make it so we could move directly into a house instead of an apt which we would love. it would also put us closer to my parents and some friends. lily is loving brandon and crystals dogs (all 3 of them) and besides a scare this morning with ant poision ( everyone is ok) she gets along with them really well. she loves their puppy titan the best. (she even says his name) now i say puppy.. hes only 13 weeks old... but hes an amerian bulldog so hes already bigger than their 2 full grown pugs. oh btw i ran into jenae ( my uncle rich's daughter) at walmart yesterday so that was fun. i'll post a pic or two of lily once i can find the card reader on this computer.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Saturday, July 12, 2008
so here are some cute pics... lily loves to play in our little fold up hamper.. she also loves the snuggle bear she got from her aunt mariam. she carrys him around and tries to feed him her bottles. there is also a pic of her at the zoo looking at her twin (a monkey) there is one of her in the swing too... which she is completely in love with... soon we will have to take a picture of her pushing a cart at a store... the other day we were at walmart and i put her down on the floor.. looked away for a min and looked back to find that she had stolen someone elses cart and was navigating it through the isles. we went to sams club today and she pushed the cart (with my help of course) for at least 15 mins. anway here are the pics. enjoy
Monday, July 7, 2008
ok ok i've been slacking
so here is a quick post. lily's health update... she wasn't getting better so we got her on a steroid to go in her nebulizer... and it worked! so shes feeling alot better now... she is also walking like a champ! she tries to walk about as much as she crawls now and shes taken up to 20 steps at a time! we went to colorado to visit seths parents for the long weekend (got back at 1 this morning because our flights got delayed) and lily's walking got really good while we were there mainly because she was trying to chase down their two dogs. she also learned a few new words while we were there... good girl, good boy and good dog (we said them all alot to the dogs so she thought that is how to call them) she also barked at them alot... her daddy taught her to bark a couple of weeks ago. she also said gobi which is one of the dogs names... so shes talkin alot and loved playing with the dogs and collecting crab apples in gma and gpas backyard. (she would fit and many as she could in each hand) she of course also learned to feed the dogs from the high chair.... they have a lab that can reach the tray so she really loved that. anyway it was a good trip...
Last week seth had a phone interview that was promising. it was with the largest horticulture company in the world and they will probably hire him if he wants the job. the down sides are that it is is chicago and we really want to go somewhere warm.. and that it doesn't start until march and he graduates in dec. the up sides are that its a training program that will prepare him for a great job in the future, it only lasts up to one year... and it will look really good on a resume. either way its nice to have an option on the table. well i have to unpack and shower. i'll post pics soon.
Last week seth had a phone interview that was promising. it was with the largest horticulture company in the world and they will probably hire him if he wants the job. the down sides are that it is is chicago and we really want to go somewhere warm.. and that it doesn't start until march and he graduates in dec. the up sides are that its a training program that will prepare him for a great job in the future, it only lasts up to one year... and it will look really good on a resume. either way its nice to have an option on the table. well i have to unpack and shower. i'll post pics soon.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
lily's health (again)
so lily just got off an antibiotic yesterday for a sinus infection... and it worked for her nose but just moved it all down to her chest. this weekend (its always on the weekends isn't it) she kept choking in her sleep. so we took her back to the doc who perscribed a nebulizer, chest xray and allergy medicine. the doc thinks it might be allergy or asthma related... (both run in seth's family) luckily medicaid purchased the nebulizer for us (the place i got it from said they sold 6 to parents of children yesterday) so her chest xray is today, wish us luck and we hope its not pneumonia. yesterday it was the first time in a month it was warm and dry enough (without too much wind) to play outside.. lily loved it sooo much. she had just finished a nebulizer treatment and she was really hyper and she just crawled around as fast as she could because she had so much space. she also practiced standing as much as possible and flirted with every person who walked by... it was wonderful... too good to last... the high today is 50 and its rainy and windy... so no outside time today. (did i mention she has thrush again and her eczema is really bad again) but the good news is that this weekend is supposed to be in the 70's without a cloud in sight.. woohoo!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
i need help
so i'm still trying to find a decent flight and so far the cheapest i've found that will work for us is almost 500 dollars and we just can't afford that. we need to fly out of either salt lake or boise (salt lake would be much better because we have somewhere free to park) the night of july 18th. (probably after 7) and we need to fly back july 25th (or the day before). if anyone has time to help me look for a flight please do so. thanks in advance for your help
Thursday, May 29, 2008
lily's new word
seth. she says "dad dad dad dad" and then if he doesn't look she says "seth" its pretty cute. now she says dad, doggie, seth, hi, yeah, hey and sometimes bottle. shes quite the little talker.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
family reunion
so i'm trying to figure out when we are traveling to nc and i was hoping everyone could tell us when they are traveling and what airlines have the best fares. we also want to minimize the amount of trips to the airport. thanks!
Friday, May 16, 2008
i got tagged
so i picked up the nearest book over 123 pages and turned to page 123 and the 5th sentence is kinda boring... the book is "Residential Landscape Architecture" and the sentence is ... " the designer must also be able to accurately record the information and insights provided by the clients during the meeting.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
french onion soup
While I was in tuscon my inlaws made french onion soup. I didn't think i would like it but i loved it! Wednesday night we made it again and i loved it all over again.. so here is the recipe.
French Onion Soup
3 medium onions, sliced
2 tablespoons butter
5-8 cups water
1 small carrot, shredded
1 small stalk celery, chopped fine
2 sprigs parsley, or dried parsley flakes
1 small bay leaf
1/8 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
Salt & pepper
1-3 cubes beef bullion
1-3 cubes chicken bullion
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3-6 slices toasted French bread
3-6 slices Swiss cheese
Grated Parmesan cheese
Cover and cook onions in butter in a 3-quart saucepan over LOW heat,stirring occasionally, 30 minutes. Drain or blot of excess butter from the onions. Add everything except the bread and cheese, adjusting bullion,water, and seasonings to taste. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat, cover and simmer about 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender. Serve soup into oven proof bowls. Top each bowl of soup with Swiss and then Parmesancheese and broil briefly to melt cheese. Place the bread into the soup and enjoy.
So this probably isn't the healthiest with the bread and cheese but if you limit those quantities it's pretty healthy, not to mention delicious... and i don't usually like onions or swiss cheese :)
French Onion Soup
3 medium onions, sliced
2 tablespoons butter
5-8 cups water
1 small carrot, shredded
1 small stalk celery, chopped fine
2 sprigs parsley, or dried parsley flakes
1 small bay leaf
1/8 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
Salt & pepper
1-3 cubes beef bullion
1-3 cubes chicken bullion
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3-6 slices toasted French bread
3-6 slices Swiss cheese
Grated Parmesan cheese
Cover and cook onions in butter in a 3-quart saucepan over LOW heat,stirring occasionally, 30 minutes. Drain or blot of excess butter from the onions. Add everything except the bread and cheese, adjusting bullion,water, and seasonings to taste. Heat to boiling. Reduce heat, cover and simmer about 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender. Serve soup into oven proof bowls. Top each bowl of soup with Swiss and then Parmesancheese and broil briefly to melt cheese. Place the bread into the soup and enjoy.
So this probably isn't the healthiest with the bread and cheese but if you limit those quantities it's pretty healthy, not to mention delicious... and i don't usually like onions or swiss cheese :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
just can't get ahead
dropped a piece of lily's bottle in the bottom of the dishwaher and hit a hot coil and i tried to pick it up... 2nd degree burn on my thumb and palm. the one on my thumb i scraped as i pulled it away so it was bleeding and both hurt really bad.. so seth rushed me to the doc and they put silver burn cream on it and wrapped it, then gave me a prescription for the cream.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
a few new things
so as i stated earlier lily and i are sick... we both have colds and then lily has stomatis (basically a bunch of canker sores) so she is on tylenol with codeine when she can't stand the pain... luckily for me i got a junky but comfy recliner for 5 bucks the morning before she was up all night, so at least i was comfy staying up/ sleeping with her. second i got my hair cut... i don't like it much but it got alot of weight off my head (about 8 inches of hair).
Lily is now clapping and i love it... she is such a cutie even sick. she has taken a couple of steps but it scares her so it will probably be awhile before she really walks, but she loves to walk around furniture. she also climbs on EVERYTHING.
Ashley Gubler (used to be pittman) started working at this place called heritage books... where you make your own scrab book online and then they print it for you with a hard cover... they have everything you would put in a regular scrab book and its very high quality... well she found out that she gets one free scrab book a month and she is going to make one for lily's first year... i am so excited because ashley is very talented with these types of things and I know she will do a really good job and she loves to do it... so if you have any pics of lily please send them my way.
I started babysitting an 11 month old boy this week. i babysit him just for 3 hours a day for 2 days a week. this is great for me because it motivates me to clean... my apt was CLEAN this week until after Roel (pronuonced rule) left on thurday (and lily got sick)... he is a really easy kid too so its nice to get a little extra cash and have a reason to clean.
Lily's new thing is this game she plays with seth.. its too cute and i can't explain it so watch.
here is a pic of my hair cut... and another thing lily does. she loves to pull of the wipes if i forget to close them
mothers day
so yesterday we went to idaho falls... seth said he needed to look for a mothers day gift for me... and since lily is sick again (more on that later) his friend backed out on him last min. so we went and he made me leave him in the mall with lily while i wandered elsewhere.. anyway while we were there i casually looked at sapphire rings. I wanted one as my wedding ring but at the time I couldn't find one i liked... little did I know that seth had bought my mother's day present weeks earlier and just wanted to make sure I was going to like it... well i was very pleasantly surprised today when i got my ring... he even took my wedding ring and put it on his finger and drew lines where it fit to figure out my size then snuck away and went shopping. anyway it made my day, even with lily and i sick it was a great day.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
its may, right?
when i took seth to school this morning there was snow on the ground again... you know there is this legend of snow on the 4th of july in rexburg... i never believed it, but i have a feeling this year will prove that legend. anyway besides that things are now well... lily got sick from her antibiotics... threw up on me a few times but of course seth managed to dodge it every time. i'm pretty sure she lost some weight because she was either throwing up every hour or not eating at all for about 3 days, but she seems to be feeling well today. she has now discovered drawers... so many smashed fingers; the dishwasher... fun stuff... and of course our shelfs in the kitchen with stacked cans. yesterday i was in the kitchen and i realized it was too quiet in the living room where lily was... i turned around to find lily with an open ziplock of jelly bellies (well belly flops from when seth went to the jelly belly factory) she had two in each hand and one in her month and she was just laughing. lily also now knows what the word 'no' means... she scrambles to continue her naughty act whenever i say it... or to crawl away from me if I come to get her, this is the only time she crawls quickly. i would say she is going to be a handful but she already is... but shes a blast.. she also loves to wrestle with seth now... and walk around anything she can hold on to, even if it isn't very stable (like an empty diaper champ). i better get her out of the dishwasher now (and fill it with dishes)
Friday, April 25, 2008
the last week
so last saturday lily didn't sleep for more than half an hour straight in the night... she had a fever of 101.2 and had stomach pains... we thought this was just a reaction to her shots and since it was the weekend we didn't want to take her to the emergency room (for the second time in a week) so we waited it out... after the second night of no sleep i took her to her doctor and found out she had an ear infection, so they gave her an antibiotic. she's doing alot better... didn't sleep well last night but besides that shes been sleeping well.
as i've mentioned several times I've never had any extra breast milk.... well during this sick ordeal its taken a drastic turn to basically no milk. i started supplementing lily on soy fomula a couple of days ago. i didn't realize how little milk i had until yesterday. i breastfed lily at about 7 am .. then bottle fed her the rest of the day... at about 3:30 i pumped until i was drained and only got 4 ounces. so i feel like at least i gave it my best shot... i still nurse her a couple of times a day but that's all i have to give. i plan to have her completelt off breast feeding before we go to NC this summer. she is taking the change quite well. (seth is actually putting her down for a nap right now with a bottle). i think its harder on me than her, last night on lost when claire's house got blown up and i thought her was dead and aaron was crying... i almost cried.. anyway thats all. seth is back without lily so success.. i'm going now
as i've mentioned several times I've never had any extra breast milk.... well during this sick ordeal its taken a drastic turn to basically no milk. i started supplementing lily on soy fomula a couple of days ago. i didn't realize how little milk i had until yesterday. i breastfed lily at about 7 am .. then bottle fed her the rest of the day... at about 3:30 i pumped until i was drained and only got 4 ounces. so i feel like at least i gave it my best shot... i still nurse her a couple of times a day but that's all i have to give. i plan to have her completelt off breast feeding before we go to NC this summer. she is taking the change quite well. (seth is actually putting her down for a nap right now with a bottle). i think its harder on me than her, last night on lost when claire's house got blown up and i thought her was dead and aaron was crying... i almost cried.. anyway thats all. seth is back without lily so success.. i'm going now
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
seths trip
so here a summary of what seth was doing in california. the basic purpose of this trip was to show the students of byu idaho the horticulture industry and to kiss big company butt (sorry mom). so they started in northern california and ended in joshua tree national park. they went basically everywhere in between... up at 6, at a new hotel every night after 10. seth was one of two people who actually brought a resume (which i don't understand) and he handed it out at over a dozen nurseries and large companies. he really liked 3 companies and could see himself starting at any of the three after school. he had one especially cool experience in san diego at a very large company. he was sitting at a table eating his lunch with his professor and a man came up and starting asking him a ton of questions about his experience and internships... he was really hitting him hard.. come to find out this man is the C O O ( cheif operating officer... basically a ceo) seth being the person he is felt free to ask hard questions back. the C O O responded by asking seth how long he had been in the industry because he seemed to have such a good understanding of the industry... always a good thing to have a guy so high up impressed... he actually told seth to make sure he gave the HR manager his resume. this C O O doesn't usually give tours of the company but sought out BYU-I and asked them to come. This gives us great hope and i wouldn't mind living in SD. besides going to businesses they went to museums, the jelly belly factory, hollywood, vegas and the beach at least a dozen times... they also ate out at a million different restaurants (this professor is so much like seth and loves to explore). he came back exhausted but knowing what he wants to do and with a good outlook of our future. oh btw after the reunion this summer we are moving to phoenix for 5-6 weeks so seth can have a second internship during a 7 week school break. we will be living with a friend of seth's and his wife.. another adventure.
finally catching up
so i'll give you the short version since its been almost a month. we went to blythe, (lily and i) had a great time. lily loved her cousins and chica of course. we got sick and then thought we were all better before we went to tuscon... WRONG. we got my mother in law, sisters in law and brother in law sick... so we basically sat around the apt minus going to the zoo for an hour (which lily loved) (during all this seth was on a hort trip with the school... but more about that in a different blog)we got home last wed to a chirping smoke detector which i could not reach... (seth wasn't home yet) so i searched the complex for a guy tall enough to reach it and when i finally found one we found out that it keeps chirping even when you take out the bad battery. so i ran to kmart (stopping to order thai food on the way thanks to katie:)) got a battery (left my wallet but i didn't figure that out til the next day) got home put lily to bed and seth came home within an hour. since then we've just been hanging out. seth had two finals and has been working on campus. a couple of days after we got home lily fell and hit her cheek on the entertainment center (since she is now walking around the furniture) she got a black eye... poor thing... so things were settling down until two nights ago when we were getting ready to go to a hort social we made some whipping cream... we had slowly been pushing lily's milk allergy and decided to give her some cream... this didn't go well.. within minutes she was red and covered in hives... her eyes were swollen and the poor thing was so sad.. so we put some benedryl gel on her and rushed her to the hospital... by the time we were seen by a doctor most of the rash was gone but her eyes were pretty poofy. she was being so cute in the hospital. she likes to mimic and make fun of people... and when a little boy in the same room cried (recieving a shot) she laughed at him... then when the nurse lectured the boy she waved her hands going "a ba ba ba DA DA" it was sad but cute... anyway they gave her benedryl (she slept so well that night) and we continued to the party... tomorrow we are hosting a bbq... seth is doing some texas style brisket (its already started) and the we are grilling some steaks with everyone coming chipping in a few bucks. there should be about 12 people so it should be fun... so thats whats up here... i didn't have the camera in blythe so the few pics i have are of lily in the bath and high chair... note that she is always standing and her black eye. ( the pics are a little blurry because she is always moving.. but still cute)
Friday, April 11, 2008
you want a blog here it is.
i am not allowing myself to do a true blog until i am unpacked, laundry is done, i have groceries in my fridge (we cleaned it out before we left) and my apt is at least decent. so we are all home safe and healthy. seth is done with the semester and doesn't go back until the 21st i think. anyway thats all.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
gilmore girls
so i frequently watch gilmore girls... i have loved it since it started and now they play reruns on abc family so i watch every day as i eat lunch... i have recently come to realize that lily likes it too... every time she hears the theme song come on she stops WHATEVER she is doing and looks at the tv... we even found it on the internet and played it for her and she got really excited.. i esp love this because seth HATES this show (as do most men) so i feel like lily and i are teaming up against him... now note that i watch full house much more often than gm girls and she does not react to that theme song... just my show... i meant to include this in my previous blog and forgot... oh and here are some pics seth took of lily today (he wanted some pics with her in clothes for once) enjoy
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