Mayan is doing well. She still has some congestion and a cough, but is eating and sleeping pretty well. She is still a pretty easy-going baby. She is very patient and rarely cries. She is already obsessed with her daddy. She looks for him whenever she hears his voice and loves to stare at him. She will hold her head in the most awkward position to watch him.
Lily is slowly adapting to being a big sister. She adores Mayan, but is a little bitter towards me. She struggles with me not being able to get up and get her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. She often says "you don't need to nurse Mayan right now" or tells me to put her in the swing. She is finally over her sinus infection, so she is less grumpy now.
Yesterday was Mayan's baby blessing. We did it at our house (it was our stake conference) We only invited a few friends and some family in an attempt to keep the germs away. My mom got Mayan a beautiful dress and made her an adorable headband. Mayan kept herself happy during the blessing by watching Seth.
Today is my first day home with both girls. It has been raining all day. At about 1045 Seth called to tell me he wasn't working today ( because of the rain) He was at Walmart getting his oil changed and asked me to meet him there. I hurried and dressed myself and the girls and got to Walmart in about 40 minutes. When I walked up to Seth he was on the phone with his boss, who was calling him back to work to clean up a fallen tree branch. We got him for about an hour while the oil got changed and then he went back to work, where he remains now.
Sorry this post is so random, between Mayan's Sleep Apnea monitor sending off false alarms all night and her RSV (and just being a newborn in general) I didn't get much sleep. Here are a few pictures.