Tuesday, March 23, 2010

baby smiles

Mayan is 6 weeks old today. She is still a very easy baby. (she is sleeping in her swing right now) She is smiling alot now. Her favorite thing is when Seth sings to her. She tries to sing along. She coos and even laughed yesterday. She is getting bigger every day. She has grown out of most of her newborn clothes. She is a little chunkier than Lily was at this age, but she still isn't really fat. Soon I will post about out backyard... it's finished, but the patio is still a mess, so I haven't taken pictures yet.


Audra said...

What a cutie! You may have one of those kids, though younger, ourgrows their older sibling! Especially if Lily stays the teenie peanut she is now!!! Call is a head taller than Jovie.

I love baby smiles and coos. A friend of mine brings her baby into the store and I love to make him talk to me! Come see us soon so I can borrow your baby too!

Christie said...

Oh good! If she's just getting out of newborn now I have plenty of time to send the matching dresses (3-6 month and 3T)
Was just thinking of when Jeb first started smiling...on South Padre Island, the weekend he turned 6 weeks.

Katie said...

I love the smiles. What a sweetheart.

Linda, Mom and Granny said...

She is soooooo cute!