Here are a few pictures of the backyard. It was hard to get a good picture of the whole thing. We put in 22 tons of rock around the edges. 2 garden L shaped beds that are 12 feet long and 4 feet wide and 18 inches deep. We (well, they) also put in curbing and sod. The whole yard is set up on timed irrigation including lines laid under the rock for future plants. (Citrus trees are soon to follow) The garden is doing well. We have probably 80 tomatoes between 10 plants that are waiting for a little warmer weather to turn red. We also have several peppers. This weekend Seth also planted 3 different kinds of melons, cucumbers, yellow and green zucchini and way too much okra. Lily planted every seed this weekend. She loves being in the garden with her Dad.
The flower picture is one Seth asked me to take for specifically for Katie. It is from one of our Passion vines.