Monday, October 8, 2007

so tempting

i found a round-trip flight to nc for 180 and i want it so badly... but i don't know that i can handle it.. and i KNOW we can't afford it... but oh my is it tempting.. i would love to see my siblings... and my nieces and nephews... and now that i have a kid of my own i want them to meet my little lily and enjoy her like i do. its sad... yesterday i realized that only one of my sibling has met my lil girl... thats pathetic... not even bryce who still lives at home has met her.. iv met all but two of my nieces and nephews.. anyway these are the things i think when i see such a cheap ticket... but then i think of how hard it was to travel to san clamente with lily.. nc seems crazy... esp cuz of course i would have to go alone cuz we cant afford seth to take off that much time from work (esp since he is workin 10 hrs a day every day right now) anyway sigh i am so torn.. i miss my siblings.. anyway lily just fell asleep so i should head to bed too..

1 comment:

Katie said...

Ahhh, we wish we could see you too. I can't wait to meet Lily. I remember how much I wanted every one to meet and know my kids too. They are so much fun to share! Hopefully it won't be too long 'til we see you again. In the meantime, thanks for posting pics.