This is Brandon. He and his wife alissa are good friends of ours... and Lily thinks he's wonderful. Infact she talks about him all the time. She even told me once "I love Brandon". When i told Alissa about that she told Lily that brandon was her husband and Lily gave her a look that said she was ready to fight for him. Yesterday Lily came up to me and in a very serious tone stated "I gunna call Brandon"... This wasn't a question, it was a statement. Then a few minutes later... "Brandon call me" She is going to be so much trouble as a teen. This isn't even her first baby crush. She loved our friend Jason in Idaho too. Jacko- if you're reading this, tell Jason that if you don't come to visit soon, Jason may be replaced forever ;)
My question is; have any of your kids ever had a baby crush? It's really cute and Brandon loves Lily, so it's all fun, but it really does worry me for her future. She is going to as boy crazy as I was and that scares me.
Sounds like you and that one Elder!
elder whittaker? I was at least older than Lily :)
Hehe, I don't have any girls. Nanner nanner nanner.
Seriously though, I wouldn't worry too much. I was very boy crazy as a little girl and then went through a stage where I refused to have crushes or flirt, and then met Chad....but maybe that doesn't put your mind at ease ;o)
Yeah, I thought of Lindsey and Elder Whittaker and Katie and Jesse.
Hahaha... my girls are very boy subdued luckily! They really love their grandpas though and want to talk to them. Lettie told me a few days ago, "I have not talked to my grandpa that lives with Granny in a long time. I want to call him". The problem is she tells me during the day and I forget to call at night.
I think it is funny you have a little mini-me ;)
Wow, I had completely forgotten about me and Jesse! Funny that he date one of my roommates for a short period in college.
was it ashley or katie that was going to marry a guy in college when she was like 11? i have a faint memories of this. do you know what I'm talking about?
It was me. I think it was one of Christie's roomates brother. We gave him a ride home from BYU. I think the last time I talked to Christie about him (a few years ago) he still wasn't married.
that's what I thought it was.. thats too funny.
I am jealous.
seth is a little jealous too dad :)
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