Wednesday, January 23, 2008

21 below

yes i mean zero... that was our low last night... now here are a few interesting facts that many of you may not know about temps below zero (ashley read carefully before roys interviews in cold regions)

#1 your nose hairs freeze at zero. (its an odd sensation) but its kinda fun cuz you walk outside and know if its below zero with a few seconds.

#2 it is painful to breathe often resulting in coughing

#3 your doors freeze shut and are hard to open

#4 dead bolts are hard to lock and require both hands and alot of strength

#5 the roads actually get safer... the ice freezes so solid on the roads that it has traction

#6 stores don't blow their parking lots completely so EVERYTHING looks white... well brownish dirty gross white.

#7 bikes don't do well on ice... yes people in rexburg still try to ride bikes to school in january... if you think its funny to see people fall walking you should see it on a bike. (there are places on campus where the sidewalks aren't well heated and have ice and people flock to those spots for some laughs)

#8 no amount of layers keep you warm

#9 did you know that when its really really cold it actually won't snow.. the flakes get smaller and smaller as the temp drops and when its about neg 15 the clouds just give up in frustration.

#10 snow can cut you... when it warms a little and the top layer melts just slightly then it drops again what looks like nice soft snow becomes evil sharp snow... seth found this out the hard way and he has cuts on his face to prove it...

#11 kids will always still want to go outside for a few mins no matter the tempature... even lily

anyway its late and that all i can think of for now... just a few things for ash ;) and to remind katie why she doesn't miss snow. anyone want to make wagers on when we will next have temps above freezing? my guess is the 10th of march... make a guess and i will let you know who is closest.


Audra said...

That is bad... really bad! No one should live in that! The 1 time Levi and I went to NY we went during a record cold spell and it was -40 degree wind chill. Our winshield wiper fluid froze and we could not see while driving into NY, we would not even take a pic because in weather that cold batteries drain IMMEDIATELY! I have never been so cold in my life! Then there was the occasional crack-head wearing a short sleeve shirt walking down the street when all you could see of us was our eyes! Miserable weather I tell you! I hope it does not take until March for thing to improve!

Ashley said...

Roy has a phone interview on Monday for Penn State Erie. This is in the top tip of west penn, on Lake Erie, bordering Canada. Roy said it's like the 13th snowy-ist city in the US. Brrrr! But the record high there is 100, so that could be pleasant!! And it's like one of Roy's favorite schools. Argh.

Ashley said...

They have this goin' on:

Jamie said...

Its cold in Provo too, but everytime I start complaining I try to think about you guys. We went to get gas last night and the little door wouldn't open because it was frozen, luckily Aaron used our ice scraper and tried to chizzle it lose and it finally opened. But yeah its not nearly as cold as Rexburg.

Linda, Mom and Granny said...

Well, it's in the 70's today, but at 6:00 AM it was rainy when I went to work. By the time we finished it raining. It would be great here in Blythe if summer was so kind!

I would have liked to see Seth's fall on the snow-covered ice.
Sorry, Seth, but I am one of those people laugh when people get hurt; too bad you caught it on camera!

Linda, Mom and Granny said...

Well, it's in the 70's today, but at 6:00 AM it was rainy when I went to work. By the time we finished it stopped raining. It would be great here in Blythe if summer was so kind!

I would have liked to see Seth's fall on the snow-covered ice.
Sorry, Seth, but I am one of those people laugh when people get hurt; too bad you caught it on camera!

lindsey said...

sadly i didn't get to see seth hit the snow either.. just heard about it and saw the wounds... he's biffed it a few times so far