Monday, January 26, 2009

Introducing Chubs Zulu and their baby

Yep, we went against Levi's advice (no offense levi) and got sugar gliders and we love them! We have a breeding pair and their baby girl (still unnamed) who is only a month out-of-pouch. They are pretty tame and usually come to the door of the cage whenever we call for them. The baby likes to cuddle up to us and sleep, but she is becoming more active every day. The adults like to crawl out on us to say hello and of course search for food. Chubs loves to wander out of his cage, and since we have a whole room detached from the house dedicated to them and seths plants, its easy for him to explore without us worrying. We have several people trying to claim our baby girl but we are pretty sure that we are going to keep her because she is more tame than the adults. Zulu is still a little nervous and we think that is because the baby is still very young. we think that as the baby grows she will warm up to us more and more. Well there they are, they are fun and a good hobby for me. We are doing really well. we have new friends in the ward who we have alot in common with, so we are settling in well. Maybe i will get back into the blogging soon. oh and i would have posted more pictures but our camera died today before i could get any good pictures, so i will try again soon.


Linda, Mom and Granny said...

Fun post and the picture is fun,too!

Ashley said...

Wow, pretty cool!

Katie said...


Audra said...

They are cute! Ours were so untame that they would bite you and run and Nolan would be shrieking "Oh No! Ouchie Bunny! Scary Kitty!" So we named them bunny and kitty because that is what he thought they were. I am happy yours are tame. We had the pouch and everything and carried them around and they would scream at us... haha! I think it is cool your baby will be so bonded to you! At the time, we just did not have time to get them tame enough. The owner we got them from said they were tame and we just thought they needed to warm up to us... nope... but I do know they are wonderful for people who have the time for them and having a whole room they can explore is awesome!